It is cold today. I mean it's 40 degrees out but feels like 30. It's the strong wind blowing, drizzling rain, and leaves in your face kind of day. Lola does not mind the change in weather at all. Rain or shine, you would see me walking her everyday.
I took these pictures at the orchard where I was pumpkin picking last week. The scenes remind me of "My Antonia" by Willa Cather, one of my favorite books about an Eastern immigrant family living out in Nebraska. The way Cather described the Great Plains and the harsh winter of Nebraska makes you think you were actually there. Although these pictures were taken in Kentucky, I like to think this was where Antonia lived.
f/13, 1/160, ISO 200 |
f/5.6, 1/1250, ISO 200 |
f/16, 1/80, ISO 200 |
f/5.6, 1/200, ISO 200 |
f/5, 1/1000, ISO 200 |
Do you hear the wind whistling and coyote howling?
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